Bitlocker Prompts

You may have turned on your device and notice this following screen:

This may look scary at first but here at CenCom Solutions we have come up with a fix to get you working again.

PC Steps

  1. Remove the power cable out the back of the PC.
  2. Leave it for 10 minutes.
  3. Plug back in the power and turn on the PC.
  4. It will now boot to the logon screen.  

If it still comes up with the Bitlocker recovery screen, we recommend you contacting us at

Laptop Steps

  1. Hold down the power button on the Laptop until it is completely turned off.
  2. Remove the charger power cable and leave it for 10 minutes.
  3. Plug back in the charger power cable and turn on the laptop.
  4. It will now boot into the logon screen.

If it still comes up with the Bitlocker recovery screen, we recommend you contact us at