HTTPS by default
Websites are becoming secure by default, Should yours? You will probably have seen some sites start https:// and others only http:// and you may have read all the advice about making sure you can see a padlock when you are on your bank website or you are entering your...Is a password enough
Is a password enough? Security is a balance between usability and protection, A truly secure computer is in a physically locked box with no power, but that’s not practical. People need to use the systems and that is when the problems start both for people who...
Are you at risk from data pirates?
Are you at risk of the data pirates? We used to think of viruses as something malicious created for no other reason than to do damage. Most virus attacks were untargeted and caused by bad practice and were reasonably easy to protect against with good working practice,...Choosing Your Printer
Firstly you have to ask yourself, what are my current and future printing needs? Do I print a lot of photos and images, or is it more text documents that I print? To gain a more simple understanding of why these simple questions are important to answer before choosing...