Blog Posts, User Communication
In November I have been Going With The Flow This last few weeks we have been looking at the new Microsoft Flow. It appears to be the solution to so many of the problems found when using cloud services that I have spent some time trying to use it to meet a number of...
Blog Posts, User Communication
Cyber Essentials is a UK government backed certification showing that your organisation meets a minimum level of good security practice. Most of these things, if you are a client of CenCom we will be doing for you but the certification is a requirement for any...
Products, User Communication
Endpoint Security CenCom Solutions manage the threat to your security in a number of layers, Patch management Vulnerabilities remain amongst the most disruptive and damaging types of problem experienced in real-world networks. attackers will target any exploits on...
Blog Posts, User Communication
Keeping e-mail Safe and Secure series Don’t confuse Phishing, Spam and Viruses It is easy to confuse which is which but here is the simple definition Virus: this is usually an attachment to an email or it could be a link to a download or webpage which will...